Build Divide TCG Wiki

Game Victory Conditions[]

In the Build Divide TCG, you win by satisfying one of the following.

[Without a card in the opponent's life zone] Damage the opponent player.

[Without the opponent's deck and life zone cards] The opponent player draws a card.

2. Introduction of the Card[]

There are three main types of cards used in the game. Make full use of these to advance the game to your advantage.

Card Type[]

There are three main types of cards used in the game. Make full use of these to advance the game to your advantage.

Unit (ユニット)[]


The protagonist of the game in charge of battle

① Play Cost ② Card Name ③ Play Timing ④ Power ⑤ Hits ⑥ Titles ⑦ Trigger ⑧ Flavor Text ⑨ Card Type ⑩ Attributes

Territory (テリトリー)[]


Double-sided card that influences the battlefield by "opening"

It is a card that demonstrates its true power by clearing the conditions and opening it. It is managed separately from the deck.

Command (コマンド)[]


Card with a single-use effect

It is a card that can advance the game in an advantageous way depending on the situation, such as powering up friendly units and damaging enemy units.

3. Game Preparation[]

In Build Divide TCG, each player brings a "deck" made by collecting cards to play the game.

Deck construction rules[]

  • Build your deck with 40-50 cards.
  • You can insert up to 4 cards with the same name.
  • Prepare one territory card separately from the deck.
  • You must have 12 Buster cards in your deck.
  • You can put up to 12 shot cards in your deck.

Buster Card (バスターカード)

A high-risk, high-reward card with a buster icon in the upper right.


Shot Card (ショットカード)

A counterattack card with a shot icon in the upper right.


A play sheet makes the game go smoothly. Arrange the cards according to the board of the play sheet.

1 Deck Placement[]

Shuffle the deck and place it in the "deck" position.

2 Placement of Territory Cards[]

Place the territory card on the back side (character side) in the "territory" position.

3 First/Second Decision[]

The one who wins by playing rock-paper-scissors is the first player. If you agree with each other, you can decide with dice or a coin toss.

4 Hand Decision[]

Draw 5 cards from the top of the deck to make it your first hand. If you don't like the card you drew, you can "redraw your hand" only once.

5 Life Placement[]

From the top of the deck, place 5 cards in the yellow zone and 5 cards in the red zone, for a total of 10 cards face down in the life zone.

6 Energy Placement[]

From the top of the deck, place two cards face up in the energy zone.

Redrawing Your Hand[]

Keep the first hand drawn face down and avoid it aside, and draw 5 new cards from the top of the deck.

After drawing 5 new cards, mix the cards you avoided aside into the deck and shuffle the deck.

* You can only redraw your hand once. Also, it cannot be returned to the original hand.

4. Turn Flow[]

The game progresses by alternating your turn and your opponent's turn. The turn is roughly divided into 5 phases, and when all the phases are completed, the opponent's turn starts.

  1. Stand Phase (スタンドフェイズ)
  2. Draw Phase (ドローフェイズ)
  3. Main Phase (メインフェイズ)
  4. Attack Phase (アタックフェイズ)
  5. End Phase (エンドフェイズ)

Stand Phase (スタンドフェイズ)[]


This is the phase in which all of your cards, are in the rest (landscape) and in the stand (portrait). The rest indicates that you have already acted, and you can make it act repeatedly by making it stand again.

Draw Phase (ドローフェイズ)[]


This is the phase in which you draw a card from the top of your deck and add it to your hand.

This draw cannot be made only on the first turn of the first attack.

If you don't have a deck and want to draw a card, draw from the top of your life zone instead. If the card cannot be drawn from the life zone, the player is defeated.

Main Phase (メインフェイズ)[]

In the main phase, you can roughly divide into two actions.

Energy Set[]

Place any card from your hand face-up/stand in the Energy Zone. Cards placed in the energy zone will then become "energy" in that color. "Energy set" can only be done once per turn.

Card Play[]

By paying the "play cost" at the top left of the card, you can put the unit card on the field or play the command card. You can play the card as many times as you like, as long as you can afford the play cost. Play costs are indicated by the three icons on the top right of the card and can be paid by resting the energy on your stand.

Play Timing[]

There are two types of timing for cards and abilities, and the timing at which they can be played is different.

Normal (ノーマル)[]

A card that can only be played during the main phase of your turn.

Quick (クイック)[]

A card that can be played even on the opponent's turn, interrupting the play of the opponent's card, or playing at any time.

Attack phase (アタックフェイズ)[]


In the attack phase, you can attack by resting your unit. The attack destinations are the "resting opponent's unit" and the "opposite player", and the subsequent processing differs depending on the attack destination. You can attack as many times as you like as long as you have a stand unit.


The defending player can block by resting the unit on the stand when the opponent's unit attacks. If a block is made, the attack destination will be changed and a battle between the attacked unit and the blocked unit will occur.


If the attack destination is the "resting opponent's unit" or a block is made, a battle will occur. In a battle, the units participating in the battle deal "damage by power" to each other.

Damage to Life[]

If a player successfully receives damage directly, that player takes damage to his life. The amount of damage received refers to the hit of the attacking unit. The damage dealt to the player is determined by the number of hits of the attacking unit.

  1. Turn over the first card in the life zone and place it in the cemetery. If you don't have a card to flip, you will be defeated.
  2. Perform a "trigger check" on the cards placed in the cemetery.
  3. If there is still damage, start over from ①.

Trigger Check[]

In the trigger check, check the icon on the upper right of the card placed in the cemetery. When the following two icons appear, the trigger will be activated and the processing will be applied.

Burst Trigger (ショットトリガー)


The "Take an additional damage" trigger will be activated. It is a trigger that the defender becomes a pinch. Trigger check is also performed for additional damage received.

Shot Trigger (ショットトリガー)


The trigger "You can play this card regardless of cost and timing" will be activated. It is a reversal trigger that saves the defender's predicament. You may choose not to play.

If the unit that was damaging due to an effect such as a trigger disappears from the field, even if there is still damage to life, that damage will be nullified.

End Phase (エンドフェイズ)[]

The effect of "during that turn" and the damage received by all units will disappear. After that, if the player in turn has more than 6 cards in his hand, discard them so that they have 5 cards. When the process is over, the turn ends and the turn is changed to start a new turn. Repeat this until the game is settled and continue the game.

5. Keyword Ability and Term[]

Various terms appear in the game. Please check the following page for information on them.

Decoy (デコイ)

"Decoy" is a keyword ability with the following abilities. "When the unit with [Decoy] is in the rest state, when the opponent unit attacks, select this unit as the target as much as possible."

Blitz (ブリッツ)

"Blitz" is a keyword ability with the following abilities. "Units with [Blitz] do damage in battle before units without [Blitz]."

Judgment (ジャッジメント)

"Judgment" is a special keyword ability that allows you to obtain a common counter called the "condemnation counter". It is a feature that there are many effects that have a beneficial effect by having this ability, such as "Unit with 'Judgment'~".

Scout (スカウト)

It is the ability to return any number of cards and in any order to the top of the deck and the bottom of the deck as you like, as seen from the top of your deck by the number written on the back.

Put the beginning of life in the cemetery (ライフの先頭を墓地に置く)

If you put a life zone card into the cemetery with an effect other than damage, the trigger check will not be performed. Also, since it is not damaged, it will not be defeated.

(X sheets) Draw ((X枚)引く)

It means to add your deck to the hand from the top by the specified number. If there are no cards in the deck, add them to your hand from the beginning of the life zone.

(X sheets) Discard ((X枚)捨てる)

It means to put the specified number of cards in your hand into the cemetery. Unless otherwise specified, the owner of that hand chooses a card to put in the cemetery.

Territory Icon (テリトリーアイコン)


Abilities with this icon are only active when the territory is open.


There is also the ability to be effective only when a territory with a specific "title" is open, such as.

Increase/decrease in power (パワーの増減)


An icon that represents an increase in power. The value that increases is the same as the number on the icon.


This icon represents a decrease in power. The value to be decremented is the same as the number on the icon.


As long as your territory is open, this icon will always increase your power by the number.

Activation Ability (起動能力) Start-up

It is an ability that you can use voluntarily. The cost required to use it and the timing when it can be used are described in []. Unless otherwise specified, activated abilities can be used any number of times per turn, as long as the cost supports them.

Automatic Ability (自動能力)Auto

It is an ability that automatically activates in a fixed situation and timing. Unless otherwise specified, it will be forcibly activated regardless of your intention.

Permanent Ability (永続能力)Ever

As long as the card is on the field, it is an ability that is always valid/activated. You cannot turn it on/off at your own will. There are also abilities that can be demonstrated in special situations, such as when in your hand or in a cemetery.

Battle (バトル)

"Battle" is the battle between units that are demonstrated by attacking the units and blocking. A battle does not occur just by attacking the player.

Counter (カウンター)

It refers to something for counting or managing numbers. When using a card that uses a counter, it is recommended to prepare it in advance. It is recommended to manage with dice, swords, memos, and smartphones, and avoid using "Build Divide TCG" cards and currencies.

6. Rules[]
